Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chef Serge Wins Tilth Award!

Oregon Tilth is a nonprofit research and education membership organization dedicated to biologically sound and socially equitable agriculture. Oregon Tilth offers educational events throughout the state of Oregon, and provides organic certification services to organic growers, processors, and handlers internationally.  This year, Chef Serge from The Benson Hotel's London Grill restaurant and two other chefs competed in the fields of Lake Oswego using two special ingredients: coucous and pork.  Chef Serge emerged the winner and was presented with a special Tilth "pitchfork" award.  Congratulations, Chef Serge!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hydroponics and Furniture and Uniforms - Oh My!

Hello Readers:

We continue to make progress on our design concepts - now they include uniforms and furniture prototypes.  Tell us what you think!  Below are images of the living horticultural walls we're envisioning - these plants live under grow lamps hydroponically and come in flats that are about 3x3 foot square.  This allows us to change them out seasonally, grow herbs and harvest them from the walls to at least theoretically use in food prep or to service the "wall" to keep it vibrant and alive. 

We think the concept is flat out amazing and will provide our guests a one-of-a-kind guest experience.

Uniforms are classic, sophisticated and contemporary - thoughts?

We like the classic black on black - with aprons that are long and sleek.  Not necessarily edgy, but certainly functional and classic.

Lounge furniture for the bar area is also clubby, warm and a paean to Northwest style.  This is not the precise furniture, but gives an idea of what it would look like.

We're making progress!

PS: See us at The Bite of Oregon next week.